The Relationship Riddle
Author: Susan Paulson Clark
Title: The Relationship Riddle
Genre: Romance
Synopsis: Vince, a football coach who foster-parents a
five-year-old boy, dodges romance like a shifty running back. Belle, who runs
her own business, has sworn off chasing men like Vince. A strong attraction
comes into play and Belle and Vince start dating -- but with all their
objections and temptations, will the flame keep burning? When Vince and his foster
son find themselves in harm’s way, Vince and Belle’s involvement takes a
surprising new direction.
Review: This is an excellent book that was easy to read. I
found it really easy to get into the book and follow the storyline. This is
perfect for people who love a romance. This book will provide a heart-warming
story and will show love between a man and a woman as well as love between a
parent and child. This book is perfect for adults and young adults.
Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars